Hair Implant
The hair unit of Dr López Cano Hospital uses the most innovative and effective techniques in the prevention and recovery of hair in a definitive way.
Preventive Techniques and hair maintenance
Hair mesotherapy
Hair treatment that consists of injecting, directly at the affected site, small doses of vitamins or medications with the aim of increasing the availability of the active ingredients where necessary. It is an exclusively medical application technique
Prevents hair loss in men and women
Induces hair growth by revitalizing hair follicles and improving blood circulation, prior to hair implant.
Increases the thickness and volume of hair
Stimulates and strengthens the hair follicles through the nutritional contribution and improvement of the oxygen supply.
Hydrates and nourishes the hair and scalp.

Innovation and advanced technology at the service of your health
Hair Implant
The FUE technique consists of the extraction of follicular units and their reimplantation in unpopulated areas.
It has two great advantages:
On the one hand, IT DOES NOT LEAVE SCARS, or marks in the extraction area since strips of skin are NOT used (as in traditional hair transplantation). The hair implanted one by one in a meticulous procedure that does not present post-surgical risks, nor recovery time: the patients can do normal life almost immediately after undergoing a session. On the other hand, it offers a DEFINITIVE hair repopulation.
It is a “non-invasive” technique that Dr López Cano Hospital performs in the operating room under sedation. This fact eliminates the feeling of surgery time, the fear of intervention and allows the collaboration of the patient.
HAIR GRAFT AREAS: The receiving area is indicated by the number of capillary grafts available to the patient and the density to be achieved with said grafts.
HAIR GRAFTS: Repopulation of the forhead, crown entrances, frontal line.
EYEBROW GRAFTING: Sparsely populated eyebrows, aesthetic improvement and above all loss of eyebrows in oncological patients.
BEARD GRAFTS: Depopulates beard, covers imperfections and scars

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